Intermittent Fasting Case Study

Sunday, March 17, 20130 comments

Intermittent fasting is the one thing since I started this blog that never lets me down. It never fails and it never quits working for me. I started intermittent fastingin January of 2010 and made a case study that documents how it worked for me. If you haven’t got a copy of it yet, go ahead and check it out here.
Intermittent Fasting Case Study
The short version is that I lost 35 lbs. and got down to 166lbs. (Actually lost too much weight!) Read through it and you can see some pictures of me as well and the results that I got.
Intermittent Fasting Case Study

Intermittent Fasting = Success

Over the last year or more, I’ve received more emails about intermittent fasting than any other topic. I get questions daily, as well as stories from people that have either tried fasting or want to try it. People really appreciated my case study and, as is human nature, love the before and after pictures.
I got an email from someone the other day saying that they would love to see what I look like now, over a year later. [Keep reading and I will deliver.]
[This show is pretty hilarious! Kenny Powers. I play real sports, I'm not trying to be the best at exercising!]
I’ve been told that people like to read my blog because they can see that I am genuine. I am not afraid to open up my world a little bit and show how things really are with me. It’s a little easier to see that someone is “real” when they have pictures to prove it.
I think the fact that I am 43, in decent but attainable shape, helps people believe that they can also achieve what I have. If I had 3% body fat and 20″ arms with a year long tan, it might be a little intimidating for the average 30 lb. overweight man or women to believe that they can do it as well. I’m a regular guy with a wife and three kid. I go to work everyday and as you can surely see, my pictures aren’t retouched or altered. There is no “Situation” when you look at my abs!
So why am I telling this?
Well, because I am going to lose a little weight and I want you to follow along with me. I am going to use intermittent fasting to do it. I am going to make a new case study, but instead of doing it after the fact, I am going to do it in real time with posts instead of a report. This way, you can follow along with me day by day or at least week by week. You can see how I am doing, what I am weighing, and more importantly, what I am looking like.
181 lbs

[I am currently 181.2 lbs. If you read my intermittent fasting case study, you can see I am heavier around the waist, then when I was 166 lbs.]
I haven’t used intermittent fasting in over three or four months. I haven’t used it regularly since the case study. Not because I don’t believe in it anymore, but because I haven’t needed to do it. Remember, I only use intermittent fasting as a weight loss tool, I don’t do it because it’s fun. icon wink Intermittent Fasting Case Study
I have been happy with my weight and didn’t see the need to fast. . . until now.
After the holidays and limited running because of my injury timeout, I put on a few pounds more than I would like. So what do I do now?

Intermittent fasting to the rescue!

I will fast two days a week and get down to around 170 lbs give or take. Anything less than 170 and I usually look too thin in the face. I will fast the way that I learned from Brad Pilon’s Eat Stop Eat book, just like before.
I am not going to get in to how I am exercising now, but here’s the short version. I am running three days a week (around 15 miles a week) and doing push ups, pull ups, and planks three days a week. This is how I have been training for around a month, so this won’t change while I am fasting.
I am not doing any long weight lifting workouts for now, just body weight stuff. As I continue to rehab from my injury, I will increase my mileage as I get ready for thePittsburgh half marathon in May of this year. I have a little over 100 days to train for this.
If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions as to how I can set this up to help more people, please leave a comment. I will update this blog every few days or at the end of the week at the longest. If you wish to do it with me, send me an email and we can figure out a way to make that work as well. I think some case studies like this from other regular people would be helpful to everyone.
Don’t be shy! As you can see from my picture, I can stand to lose some weight. I guess looking on the bright side, this should be the worst that I look!
Intermittent fasting works for me and intermittent fasting will work for you.
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